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The Construction Zone

Building scaffolds for readers and writers

Instructional scaffolding is an essential part of teaching literacy. But what is scaffolding exactly? What does it look like in the classroom, and how can we improve the ways we use it?

In essence, scaffolding is the idea of supporting students as they build independence. The Construction Zone identifies four critical processes to deepen your understanding and improve your practice of instructional scaffolding: finding and maintaining focus; practicing flexibility in instruction; giving constructive feedback; and monitoring to ensure responsibility. It provides procedures and techniques to help you establish and maintain strong scaffolds throughout the instructional day. Discover how to embrace your role in the scaffolding process, while staying mindful of the needs of your students.

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Author(s): Terry Thompson

Pages: 216 Publication Date: 2015 ISBN: 9781571108692

Price: $ 48.95
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